1st Place: Jesse Graunitz “Keg Man,” from Kelso, WA won a trip for two to Hawaii!
2nd Place: David Hendrickson “Snowboarder who turned 180 degrees on the water before exiting the pond” from Portland, OR won the Kona "Ride in Style" package including a Kona longboard skateboard, Kona skimboard, 2 Kona beach chairs, & 2 Kona backpack coolers.
3rd Place: Bruce Kuper “King Kamehameha” from Hillsboro, OR won a $50 gift certificate to Bamboo Grove Hawaiian Grill.

Best Splash: Asit Rathod “Ballerina on skis who took a 20 foot leap and front flip into the pool”
Best Splash Backwards: Evan Sargent “Skied the entire in run backwards – hit water and back somersaulted”
Best Impression Made by a Female: Christine Sanders - “Octo Mom Skier” and Paula Rada - “Octo Mom Snowboarder.”
Best Hawaiian Costume: Rob Adamowski “Luau BBQ Pig – worn on his head atop a serving tray with smoke exiting the pig” and Jimmy Malcarne “Outrigger Canoe – complete with 2 blow up doll paddlers” - Last year’s winner as Magnum P.I.
All of these folks won a $50 Mt. Hood Meadows gift card.
I am SO going to this next year!
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